Private Zoom/Phone Sessions
I have limited coaching spots open. If you have interest, please email and let me know what you want to work on, and I’ll let you know if there is availability.
I believe all the power, insight and charisma we seek is hidden in our shame and that we can mine and transform our experiences and discover all we've been missing.
I help women in STEM, abuse survivors and any human with the courage to step forward find their voice and transform the pain and struggle into empowerment.
Laser Sessions (20-minutes) highly focused on a specific issue. $90 ($67 for Members of the Thriving Now Group Coaching Program)
Full Sessions (50-minutes) for in-depth coaching and tapping. $180 ($130 for Thriving Now Group Coaching Program)
I do joint sessions on a limited basis with Rick Wilkes or Reid Mihalko. $320 for 50 minutes . E-mail us for more information at
Email with three evening or weekend times (east coast time USA) that would work for you (see clock above for current eastern time), along with the specific issues you’d like to address.
Payment for Sessions
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover are accepted through the Thriving Now shopping cart (please note that this will take you to a different site) here. Enter the amount due as the QUANTITY, press TAB, and wait for amount to update before proceeding to checkout.
Payments can be made through PayPal by clicking the Buy Now logo below.

Cathy Vartuli –
Emotional Freedom and Relationship Coach
The Joy Connection, LLC
What People Say About Coaching with Cathy
“My co-host for many of the Thriving Now Team workshops, teleclasses, and private forums is Cathy Vartuli, who is a scientist* skilled in the use of technology to analyze man-made structures (integrated circuits) down to the atomic level. To accomplish this feat she and her team carefully peel away layer after layer until they can shine a focused beam of energy upon the part of the circuit that may have a disruption or block or weakness.
How apt I find it that in her skilled use of EFT, she helps clients peel away layer after layer until they get to their previously hidden core issue. Then she softly yet directly focuses energy upon the issue and not only helps it to shift but also helps her clients gain insight in the process.
Cathy demonstrates the finest qualities of a coach… which includes being a student first – always learning and questioning- and a teacher second. Her intuitive and energetic gifts are well-developed, and I find that she consistently is able to reflect back to her clients (including me) deep truths about the state of our emotions and beliefs and the movement of energy in the physical body that are difficult to see on our own. I am very pleased to have her as part of the Thriving Now coaching team.” — Rick Wilkes, Thriving Now, LLC
* Cathy has a PhD in Material Science and Engineering and a Masters of Sciences in Physics.
“With her gifts of compassion and insight, Cathy creates a safe place where feelings, memories and traumas can surface. Just the way she asks questions is an art form in itself —heartfelt questions, gentle in spirit, yet profound in their power to get to the core of issues. Cathy offers unconditional friendship and support and respects a client’s truth. Her care and concern remind me of one the most touching examples of female friendship in the Bible: Naomi asking her daughter-in-law Ruth, “How do things stand with you, my daughter?” Cathy asks then listens with a patient, open heart. During an inner-tapping session with Cathy, I feel energy shift. I reconnect with parts of my younger self, release trauma and learn to be my own best parent, mentor and friend.” –Paula Graham
“Working with Cathy is always a joy. She is soft spoken, nurturing, intuitive, and incredibly intelligent. I love the way she works with the inner child and makes them feel safe, then brings them out the other side of their hurt, fear, and self-blame.” — Judy Whitcraft
“Working with Cathy has been a milestone along the road to a more loving, forgiving and enjoyable life. My one-on-one EFT sessions with her have been Amazing. She’s the Sherlock Holmes of EFT Coaches…finding the core clues that have been effecting your life and helping you release them. I’m truly grateful.” — Dr Rick Neal
“I have worked with several EFT Practitioners, including a couple of the Masters, and it takes a lot to really impress me, yet I have never seen ANYTHING like the work Cathy does with inner-children! It’s literally mind-boggling, both having her work on me and observing her work with others. She eloquently lasers into past trauma and facilitates major healing time and time again like it’s no big deal. Before you even know what happened a huge energetic weight has been lifted and you feel so much lighter. I don’t know how she does it but her sharp intuition, brilliantly honed tapping skills, compassionate spirit, and fierce dedication to doing her own work are some of the qualities that make Cathy and her application of EFT so extraordinary.” –Joan, Washington State
“Compassion. Intuition. Insightful Questions. These are three qualities that make Cathy an INCREDIBLY talented tapping coach. Cathy has a wonderful gift of intuition and asks just the right questions to uncover the specific issues. Her warm and compassionate heart comes through with every tapping session, especially in the challenging and difficult emotional issues. She’s very skilled at keeping the person on track, and gently directing them back to the issue at hand.
With Cathy’s extensive understanding and experience in tapping on the Inner Child, she brings a loving, caring, and very skilled intuitive approach. She was able to move me through many challenging issues with these techniques. While working with Cathy, it is very apparent that she is well-read and has done extensive research on numerous issues. She is able to see the big picture and piece issues together while offering a different insight and understanding.
I am extremely grateful to have the privilege of working with Cathy over the past two years. I would recommend her to anyone who is ready to take personal responsibility for their growth and well-being, and to anyone who seeks a kind, compassionate, and highly intuitive coach to assist them on their journey.” –Karen Lebron
Disclaimer: The information and coaching we provide is intended to educate, inform, amuse, and inspire you on your personal journey towards optimal health and a thriving life. It is clearly not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is definitely not intended as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are under the care of any health professionals (or should be), we strongly encourage you to discuss modifications in your diet, lifestyle, exercise program, nutrition, or use of Energy Tapping with them prior to making any changes, and never discontinue or reduce prescription medications without consulting your doctor or pharmacist.